Information about Coronavirus disease COVID-19
The symptoms of coronavirus infection
(COVID-19) are similar to those of regular (seasonal) flu:
- high body temperature
- headache
- weakness
- cough
- labored breathing
- muscle pain
- nausea
- vomit
- diarrhea
7 steps to prevent coronavirus infection:
- Refrain from visiting public places: shopping centers, sports and
entertainment events, transport during rush hour; - Use a disposable medical mask (respirator) in public places,
changing it every 2-3 hours. - Avoid close contact and stay in the same room with people,
having visible signs of SARS (coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge). - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after returning from the street, contact with by strangers.
- Disinfect gadgets, office equipment and surfaces that you touch.
- Limit close hugs and handshakes when greeting.
- Use only personal hygiene items (towel,
5 RULES for suspected coronavirus infection:
- Stay at home. If you feel unwell, call
doctor, inform him about the places of your stay for last 2 weeks, possible contacts. Strictly follow
doctor's recommendations. - Minimize contact with healthy people, especially the elderly and people with chronic diseases. It is better for one person to care for the sick.
- Use a disposable tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, covering your mouth. If they are absent, sneeze in the elbow.
- Use personal hygiene items and disposable dishes.
- Provide the room with a damp cleaning with disinfectants and frequent ventilation.