Course program:
- Relevance of the lower eyelash extension procedure;
- What are the fears of the master and why the master does not want to do the lower build-up;
- Pros and cons of the procedure for the master. What opportunities does the master get when he masters the technique of lower extension;
- How to sell lower eyelash extensions. Pros and cons of the procedure for the client;
- Features of the lower eyelashes;
- Difference between the lower extension and the upper one;
- Materials necessary for the lower extension;
- Features of the choice of eyelashes;
- Features of the choice of instrument;
- Features of the choice of adhesives;
- Ideal patches for bottom extensions;
- Varieties of lower building;
- Errors in the lower building;
- Effects (schemes) of lower extension;
- How to form a price list for lower extensions;
- Procedure algorithm;
- Rules for lower eyelash extensions;
- The practical part of the formation of beams for the lower extension;
- Practical part of the procedure.
Cource Cost: 270$